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The Journey of Creating 3 YouTube Videos a Week for 2 Years: Lessons Learned and Future Goals

Published: May 17, 2023

An Insightful Reflection on the Two-Year Journey of Consistent YouTube Content Creation

Embracing the challenge of uploading three videos each week on YouTube over the last two years has been a remarkable odyssey brimming with worthwhile lessons, growth, and unanticipated hurdles. This blog post will explore the dynamic highs and lows encountered, evaluate the influence on brand collaborations and advertising earnings, compare our original aspirations against our current standing, and share valuable insights we’ve gathered throughout this expedition.

The Strategy Behind Tri-weekly Video Uploads

Diving deeper into the rationale behind our dedication to a demanding publishing schedule, it stands crucial to recognize that the essence of video content transcends mere visual engagement. In an era where an estimated 80% of social media videos are consumed without sound, the inclusion of written content becomes a pivotal component in captivating an audience. Beyond this, YouTube reigns as a premier platform for educational, entertaining, and promotional video content, presenting unmatched avenues for creators.

The Importance of Long-term Vision on YouTube

Partaking in the YouTube landscape requires one to comprehend that immediate outcomes don’t necessarily equate to enduring triumph. The onset of the journey might see a gradual uptake in growth, often reflected by modest view counts per video. Yet, persisting into the second year and beyond, a noticeable shift may transpire as your brand gradually cements its authority in your chosen niche.

Initial Aspirations and the Road to Achievement

As we embarked on our endeavor in 2020, lofty benchmarks were established. Among them, we aimed to achieve publication in Forbes by year’s end and desired extensive growth in our subscriber base. While certain objectives were not just met but exceeded—such as reaching subscriber count goals—others like the Forbes feature were revisited and adjusted due to changes in priorities, catalyzed by global developments including pandemics.

Moving forward into 2021, the importance of reassessing goals in light of real-world performance has proven paramount. This recalibration is key to keeping the drive alive as we aim for new accomplishments.

Exploring Subscriber Growth and Monetization Outcomes

The journey of initial subscriber goals to exceeding them underscores the narrative that persistence pays off over time, regardless of the bumps encountered along the way. Monetization efforts began to bear fruit within the first year of our consistent content creation and continued perseverance began to significantly bolster our channel’s sustainability as time progressed.

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