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The Art of Collaborating to Reach More Fans on YouTube

Published: December 2, 2020

For content creators on YouTube aiming to broaden their audience and increase content engagement, collaborating with fellow creators is a transformative strategy. Acclaimed tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee, known as MKBHD, has shared valuable insights on the substantial benefits of effectively partnering with other YouTubers.

Enhancing Video Quality Through Collaborative Efforts

Collaboration transcends mere exposure—it fundamentally elevates your content’s quality. Marques Brownlee advocates that collaboration should introduce a distinctive element to your videos, something that would be unattainable on your own. It’s a mutual exchange that enriches both your and your collaborator’s content with diverse viewpoints.

Striking the Perfect Collaborative Balance

In the realm of collaboration, Marques points out the necessity of choosing partners whose audience overlaps with yours just enough to provide new insight without being identical. He likens this to finding the sweet spot in a Venn diagram. This strategic alignment allows both communities to gain access to novel and worthwhile content.

Prioritizing Topics over Collaborators

The approach usually starts with pinpointing a topic of interest before identifying the right collaborator. By focusing on a specific theme, such as electric trucks, Marques can then partner with an expert or a fellow creator who offers a contrasting insight, thus diversifying his content and appealing to a broader audience.

Customizing Collaborations to Fit Different Creative Styles

Collaboration dynamics change depending on the participants. Marques’s experiences range from interviewing icons like Elon Musk or the late Kobe Bryant, where unique narratives come to life, to engaging in informal brainstorming sessions with peers, fostering a creative exchange of ideas. Each collaboration contributes a distinct touch.

Networking Strategies for Emerging Creators

Emerging content makers aiming for collaborations with well-established channels should focus on exhibiting their niche expertise through quality videos. Combining this with strategic outreach on social media platforms—and the endorsement of their own audience—can effectively draw the attention of more prominent YouTubers.

Example tweet:

      Hey @elonmusk! I'd love for us to chat tech innovations together! My audience is eager too! #TechTalks #Innovation

The Intangible Rewards of Post-Collaboration Reflection

Focusing exclusively on metrics might lead you to underestimate the less tangible benefits that collaborations offer. Marques advises reflecting on how these partnerships have enriched the content and the sense of fulfillment they brought after the fact. Such reflections help assess the true value of collaborations beyond just the views and engagement statistics.

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