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Mastering YouTube’s New Keyword Research Tool for Increased Visibility

Published: November 23, 2022

Thriving in digital content creation necessitates keeping up with the latest tools and techniques. For content creators on YouTube, it’s not just about crafting captivating videos but also about ensuring they reach the intended audience. The new keyword research tool from YouTube is a potential game-changer for video optimization and view enhancement.

How to Find YouTube’s Keyword Research Tool

The keyword research tool is easily accessible via YouTube Studio. Click on ‘Analytics’, then ‘Research’ to discover what audiences are searching for on YouTube, a vital piece of your content planning puzzle.

Maximizing YouTube’s Keyword Research Tool

  • Type in a keyword that’s relevant to your niche in the search bar.
  • Study search trends to understand the frequency of searches for that term over time.
  • Investigate related topics and queries to gain a broader view of viewer interests.
  • Apply your research to video titles, descriptions, and tags, and embed keywords into your content to improve visibility.
  • Track performance continuously for fine-tuning and making necessary adjustments in your strategy.

Employing relevant keywords is vital to matching viewer intent, which is essential for boosting your presence on a crowded platform like YouTube.

Do Keyword Tools Significantly Increase Views?

Yes, but keywords aren’t a magic bullet. They’re an important part of a larger equation involving high-quality content, audience interaction, and a regular posting schedule. Despite this, keywords are indispensable for SEO, aiding potential viewers to locate your videos among the multitude available.

A Comprehensive Keyword Research Strategy on YouTube

YouTube’s in-built keyword tool is just one element of optimizing your channel:

Tab One: General YouTube Searches

This tab helps identify what’s trending or the broad interests among various niches, offering insights into the popular searches on the platform.

Tab Two: Your Audience’s Searches

Focus on the searches specific to your audience, provided in the second tab. This data is invaluable in shaping a content strategy that aligns with your viewers’ interests, potentially boosting engagement and subscriber loyalty.

Tab Three: Saved Keywords

With the third tab, you can save commonly used keywords for future reference. This feature aids in planning long-term content and honing in on consistent search trends.

While these tabs offer rich insights, integrating third-party tools can supplement detailed analytics and competitor analysis, which are crucial for anyone serious about channel growth from a long-term view.


YouTube’s keyword tool opens up exciting prospects for creators looking to broaden their influence and effectiveness. Still, successful optimization goes beyond selecting the right keywords. It’s a holistic approach that includes production and promotion facets. Leveraging both in-platform and external resources is key to success on YouTube. Prioritize delivering high-value content and applying astute SEO practices, such as using the new keyword feature. Keep in mind, quality surpasses quantity—aim to provide value in every video and optimize wisely. Happy optimizing!

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